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Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖1)-速報App

Like watercolor paintings? Or are you just looking for some inspiration? Well, then this app is just right for you!

Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖2)-速報App

Watercolor or watercolour, also aquarelle, a diminutive of the Latin for water, is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. Watercolor refers to both the medium and the resulting artwork.

Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖3)-速報App

Add the dynamics in their lives by setting dynamic live wallpaper on the screen of their mobile device. Our excellent wallpapers in HD captures the imagination and do not leave anyone indifferent. Free Live wallpapers for anyone and any taste. Download!

Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖4)-速報App


Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖5)-速報App

• HD graphics

Art Watercolor Drawing Live WP(圖6)-速報App

• Compatible with mobile and tablet

• The low battery usage and resources.

• Easy and clear menu.